General Information
Associate Professor,Chai Ruijuan, Ph D
Email: chairuijuan@sdu.edu.cn
Areas of Research
Finance Law,Company Law,Securities Law,Economic Law
• 2006-2009 Wuhan University, PhD in Law
• 2007-2008 Study at Université Paul Cézanne- Aix-Marseille Ⅲ by the “China-France Doctoral College Program”, Sino-French Joint Training PhD
• 2003-2006 Wuhan University, Master of Law
• 1999-2003 Wuhan University, B.A.
Professional Career
•Zhongchengrenhe Law Firm
Recent Publications and Journal Articles
1.Extraterritorial Experience and Inspiration of Regulatory Sandbox(Chinese), Law Science, 2017(8),p27-40.
2.Private Capital Holding Village Bank: Logical Certification and Legal Regulation(Chinese),Law Review,2012(6),p106-115.
3.Private Banks: Development Barriers and Legal Countermeasures(Chinese),Law Review, 2014(3),p154-160.
4.Bank Franchise:Replacement of the Main Initiated Bank System of Village Bank(Chinese), Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2016(4),p121-129.
5.Commercial Franchise of Bank:Mode Innovation and Local Transplantation(Chinese),Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences),2017(4),p91-99.
6.Institution Restructuring and Power Strengthening:Reform of French Financial Regulatory System(Chinese), Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2013(5),p110-115.
7.Feedback Control of Public Anger:Psychological Interpretation of Economic Legislation (Chinese), Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences),2016(4),p89-95.
8.The Operational Risks and Legal Regulations of Chinese Private Banks-A Case Study of American Community Banks(Chinese),Theory Journal,2016(5),p144-149.
9.Economic Detour Behavior Prohibited by Law and Its Regulations(Chinese),Huxiang Forum, 2017(4), p141-148.
10.Research on the Development of Village Banks(Chinese),Theoretical Exploration,2012(4),p69-90.
11.Research About The Stock Equity Structure In Village Bank (Chinese), Law Science Magazine,2010(2), p125-127.
12.The Dilemma and Solution of Rural Social Security Construction(Chinese),Social Scientist,2011(5),p81-85.
13.On the Construction of Agriculture Supporting System of Village Bank(Chinese),Economic Law Forum,2009(2),p335-363.
14.Research on the Guarantee of Farmers' Loan Right—Based on the Perspective of Investment Subjects of Village Banks(Chinese),Journal of Human Rights,2010(1).
15.On the History and of the Financial Supervision System in France(Chinese),Nanjing University Law Review,2010(24),p246-261.
16.Reflection on the Strict Limitation of Private Capital Investment in Village Bank(Chinese),Economic Law Review, 2011(21),p274-252.
17.Community Commercial Bank: the Development Orientation of Village Bank(Chinese), Economic Law Review, 2013(24), p252-270.
18.On the Main Initiated Bank System of Village Bank(Chinese), Economic Law Review, 2014(26),p255-267.
19.The Survival Dilemma and the Perfection of Legal System of Village Banks (Chinese),Yunnan Finance & Economics University Journal of Economics & Management,2012(3),p142-147.
20.Analysis and Reflection on the Fraud Case of Societe Generale(Chinese),Economic jurist,2010.
21.On the Corporate Governance of Village Bank(Chinese), Shandong University Law Review,2010(1), p112-126.
22.Failure of the Neoliberal Regulatory Path(Chinese), Luojia Jurists’ Forum ,2011(10).
23.A Survey of the History and Current Situation of French Banking and Insurance Regulatory Systems(Chinese),Facing the Financial Crisis: Economic Law Theory and Practice Research,2010.
Ongoing Research
1.2016 The National Social Science Youth Fund Project: Study on the Legal Issues of Bank Commercial Franchising Mode from the Perspective of Inclusive Finance(16CFX047).
2.2017 China Law Society Project(CLS2017D101).
3.2013 Ministry of Education Youth Fund Project(13YJC820004).
4.2010 China Doctoral Science Fund Project(20100471506).