General Information
Gao Lexin, PhD, Assistant Research Fellow
Email: gaolexin@sdu.edu.cn
Areas of Research
International Economic Law, International Aviation Law
2015-2019 Xiamen University, PhD in Law
2012-2015 Civil Aviation University of China, Master of Law
2008-2012 Xiangtan University, Bachelor of Law
Professional Career
2019, School of Law, Shandong University
Recent Publications and Journal Articles
1.The Disguised Avoidance and Applicable Buundary of Cross-Border Aviation Investment Barroers: Take The International Airline Joint Venture As An Example (Chinese), International Ecnomics and Trade Research, 2018(8), pp.110-120.
2.Leveraging Integration and Evolution between International Joint Ventures and Open Skies in Air (Chinese), Wuhan University International Law Review, 2018(4), pp.129-145.
3.Rational Reflection on Trade In Aviation Services Rules of TPP From Liberalization Perspective (Chinese), International Business Research, 2018(4), pp.88-96.
4.Non-Discrimination Principle on the Airline Overbooking System In America (Chinese), Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition), 2017(6), pp.121-127.
5.Discrimination and Analysis of the B2C Model Cross-Border Electronic Commerce Contract Type (Chinese), Commerce Research, 2017(9), pp.188-192.
6.An Analysis of Non-Contractual Clause Conerning Flight Schedule (Chinese), Science of Law, 2014(5), pp.120-128.
7.The Research on Constrction of the Supervision System of General Aviation Security (Chinese), Pacific Journal, 2014(6), pp.11-20.