General Information
Name: Man Hongjie
Date of Birth: 24 October, 1974
Place of Birth: Jinan, China
Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Ph D. Supervisor, Law School, Shandong University
Main Field of Research
Human Rights Law, Civil law, Health Law,
1993-2000 Shandong University (Jinan), Law School, Bachelor of Law (1997), Master of Law (2000)
2006-2009 Fudan University (Shanghai), Law School, Ph D of Law (2009)
Overseas Research Experience
2007 Visiting Fellow, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
2008-2009 Fulbright Visiting Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School, U.S. (with Fulbright Scholarship)
2011 Visiting Scholar, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany (with Scholarship from Max Planck Society)
2014 Visiting Scholar, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany (with DAAD Scholarship)
2014 Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan
2016 Visiting Professor, teaching elective course of “Introduction to Chinese Law” at Faculty of Law, University of Bergen, Norway.
2016 Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
2017-2018 Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Canada
2000-2009 Judge, Civil Division, Jinan Intermediate People’s Court
2009-2013 Lecturer, Law School, Shandong University
2009-2012 Post-doctoral Researcher of Human Rights Law, Shandong University
2013- Associate Professor, Law School, Shandong University
2018- Associate Dean, Law School, Shandong University
Professional Qualifications
1997 Attorneys Admissions Examination of China
2002 National Judicial Admissions Examination of China
Membership in Academies
Board Member of the China Human Right Society
Board Member of the Chinese Civil Law Society
Board Member of the Chinese Health Law Society
Contact Information
Email: hman@sdu.edu.cn Tel: +86 532 5860 0530
Address: 72 Binhai Rd, Jimo, Qingdao, 266237, Shandong, China
List of Publications
1. Biotechnology, Medicine and Law(English), Executive Editor, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2018.
2.On the Legal Issues of Clinical Trial Involving Human Beings (Chinese), China Legal Publishing House, 2013.
3. Legal and Forensic Medicine (English), Roy Beran, eds., Author, Springer, 2013.
4. A Human Rights Guide Book for Chinese Judges (Chinese), Co-editor, Hunan University Press, 2012.
5. Chinese Property Law-Cases Law Studies (Chinese), Co-editor, Shandong People’s Press, 2007.
Research Report
1. Public Health Emergency System and the Protection of Health Right, in the Human Rights Blue Book of China (2017), Social Science Academic Press, 2018.
2.The Equalization of Basic Public Health Service and the Right to Health in China, in the Human Rights Blue Book of China (2014), Social Science Academic Press, 2015.
3. The Right to Health Care of Rural Residents and the New Rural Residents Cooperation Health Insurance, in the Human Rights Blue Book of China (2013), Social Science Academic Press, 2014.
4. The Reform of Health Care System and the Right to Health Care, in the Human Rights Blue Book of China (2012), Social Science Academic Press, 2013.
5. The Judicial Reform and Human Rights, in the Human Rights Blue Book of China (2011), Social Science Academic Press, 2012.
Journal Articles
1. On the Liability of Inter-Hospital Consultation (Chinese), Legal Forum, 2019(3), p 136-144.
2. The Ignorance of Causation Requirement in Medical Malpractice Cases and Its Solution--Also Reviewing Article 12 of FA SHI [2017] No. 20(Chinese), Legal Science, 2018 (7), p 83-100.
3. Legislative Proposals on Informed Consent Right of Human Subjects (Chinese), Journal of Sichuan University, 2018(3), p11-15.
4. Analysis and Construction of the Right to be Forgotten: A Research on a Mechanism of Information Value Rectification the Era of Internet (Chinese), Law and Social Development, 2018 (2), p 199-217.
5. An Interpretation of Provisions Concerning Guardianship Establishment In the General Rules of Civil Law (Chinese), Legal Forum, 2018(3), p 50-60.
6. Medical Apology Law and the Development in the Solution of Medical Disputes: U.S. Experience and Chinese Approach (Chinese), Contemporary Legal Science, 2017 (6), p 89-98.
7. Guardianship and Health Decisions in China and Australia: A Comparative Analysis (English), Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Volume12, Issue 2,December 2017,pp.371-400, with Lindy WILLMOTT, Ben WHITE,Christopher STACKPOOLE, Shih-Ning THEN, Mei Yu & Weixing SHEN.
7. Wrongful Life Action and the Protection of Personality Interests(Chinese), Legal Science, 2017(1), p 28-42.
8. Three Basic Questions Concerning the Adult Custodianship Law in the General Rules of Civil Law (Draft)(Chinese), Legal Forum, 2017(1), p 38-44.
9. The Extension of the Range of Qualified Plaintiff in Environment Public Interests Litigation, with Wang Yiyan,(Chinese) Law Application, 2017 (7), p78-83.
10. The Pros and Cons in the Adult Custodianship Law in the General Rules of Civil Law (Draft)(Chinese), Journal of Beihang University, 2017 (1)p63-66.
11. Guardianship and Health Decisions in China and Australia: A comparative analysis(English),with Lindy Willmott, Ben White, Christopher Stackpoole, Shih-Ning Then, Mei Yu and Weixing Shen, accepted by the Asian Journal of Comparative Law, to be published in Summer 2017.
12. The national Health Security Act of Thailand and Its Experience to the Health Security Legislation of China(Chinese), Legal Forum, 2016 (4), P 140-150.
13. On the Health-Decision Making in the Adult Custodianship (Chinese), Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Science), 2016(3), p 49-57.
14. The Social Security Reform and the Protection of the Citizens Rights (Chinese), Guangming Daily, June 9, 2015.
15. The Rule of Law in National Security of Ocean and Seas (Chinese), Academic Exchange, 2014(9), p 77-81
16.The Collaboration of Public and Private Law in the Protection of Vulnerable Group: the Evolution of “Personality” in Civil Law (Chinese), Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Science), 2013(6), p 19-22.
17. Ethics in Research with Vulnerable Populations and Emerging Countries: The Golden Rice Case(English), with Anne-Marie Duguet, Tao Wu, Annagrazia Altavilla, Dean M. Harris, North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation, Volume 38, Issue 4, Summer 2013, p 979-1113.
18. The Case of “Golden Rice”: Legal Regulation of Experimenting on Minor Human Subjects (Chinese), Legal Science, 2012(11), p 54-63.
19. A Challenge to the Right of Honour as Personality Right—Based on Empirical Studies (Chinese), Studies in Law and Business, 2012(5), p 142-152.
20. On the Tort Liability in Medical Clinical Trial—A Comparative Law Study (Chinese), Legal Forum 2012(5), p113-120.
21. The Right to Honour, A Babel Story? (Chinese), Science of Law 2012(4), p 84-93.
22. The Protection of the Participants in Transnational Medical Clinical Trial (Chinese), Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Science), 2012(4), p 39-46.
23. The Protection of Vulnerable Group in Clinical Trial (Chinese), Dongyue Tribune, 2012(4), p 180-185.
24. The Protection of Pure Economic Loss——A Comment to Article 2 of Tort Liability Law of China (Chinese), Legal Forum, 2011 (2), p107-112.
25. Legal Protection of Human Subjects in Clinical Trial, Human Rights Studies (Chinese), Vol 9, 2010, p 160-205.
26. On the Legal Status of Human Embryo in Civil Law, Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Science) (Chinese),2008(6), p97-107.
27. An Exception of Informed Consent—the Doctor’s Privilege in Emergency Treatment (Chinese),Legal Science Monthly(Shanghai), 2008(5), p127-135.
28. The Legal Regulation of “Violence on the Internet” (Chinese), Netinfo Security, Jul 2008, p66-67.
29. On the Rights of Co-owner (Chinese), People’s Court Daily, 1 July 2008.
30. Practical Study on the Priority of Co-owner (Chinese), People’s Court Daily, 2 April 2007.
31. The liability of tort for Throwing Objects from High Buildings (Chinese), Case Law Study, Jun 2006.
32. The Reformation of Remanding for New Trial System in Civil Procedure (Chinese), Journal of Law Application, Vol. 2, 2006.
33. The Conflicts and Harmonization in Real Property Management (Chinese), Judgment Study, Vol. 1, 2006.
34. Protection of Reliable Interests in Contract of Gift (Chinese), Civil law Information and Guidance by the People’s Supreme Court, Vol. 17, 2004.
35. Public Interest, Public Order and Public Policy (Chinese), Civil law Information and Guidance by the People’s Supreme Court, Vol. 19, 2004.
36. Should the Current Jury System in China Be Kept?, Shandong Courts, Vol. 1, 2004.
Research Projects
1. 2012 Sino-French “Xu Guangqi” Project by the MoE of China and the Ministry of High Education and Science of France: The Patients’ Rights and Gene Test—A Comparative Research Between China and Europe.
2. 2010 China Law Society Research Project: Tort Liability in Medical Research Involving Human Beings.
3. 2012 Social Science Research Project of Shandong Province: The Legalization of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance.
4. 2010 Innovation Research Project of Shandong University, the Protection of the Participants in Transnational Medical Research
5. 2015 Social Science Research Project of Shandong University: the Personality Law in the Chinese Civil Code
6. 2016 Law Research Project of the Ministry of Justice, China: the Patient’s Right to Proper Health Care Service.
7. 2017 China National Social Science Research Funds: Medical Malpractice Liability in the Light of Civil Law Codification and Health Care Reform.