General Information:
Professor Zhou Xiaotian
Profile: Male, J.D., current Professor of Law (Breaking), Ph.D. and undergraduate tutor.
September 2002-July 2006 Department of Civil and Commercial Law, Northwest University of Politics and Law, Bachelor of Laws
September 2006-July 2009 Law School, East China University of Political Science and Law, law major, master's degree in law
September 2009-July 2012 Study of Criminal Law, Tsinghua University Law School, Ph.D. October 2010 - October 2011 One year of exchange and study in the School of Law Studies, Tohoku University, Japan
Social part-time work:
Director of the Criminal Law Society of Shandong Province Law Society
Areas of research:
Joint crime; Comparative Criminal Law; Basic Criminal Law
Representative projects:
1. Reconstruction and Applied Research on the Relationship between The Offender and the Principal Offender, National Social Science Fund 2017 Youth Project (Project No. 17CFX067), Moderator.
2. Research on the Characterization of Common Crime by People of Different Identity, Youth Project 2015 of the Social Science Planning Project of Shandong Province (Project No. 15DFXJ03)
3. Re-construction of the principles of the doctrine of identity accomplices, the Chinese Law Society's 2014 ministerial law research self-selecting topic (project number CLS (2014) D034)
Representative results:
1. monographs
The Reconstruction and Application of Complicity and Identity Theory, Legal Press, 2017 Edition.
2. The participation
Criminal Law Case Study, co-authored, Tsinghua University Press, 2015 edition.
3. The thesis (all of the following are exclusive):
1. Reconstructing and Applying the Principles of The Doctrine of Identity Complicity, Chinese and Foreign Law (CLSCI) No. 2 of 2016.
2. Reflections and Critiques of the Theory of Duty Offenders, Jurists (CLSCI) No. 1 of 2016. (The National People's Congress Copies of Newspaper materials and criminal law, issue 6 of 2016, reproduced in full)
3. Re-construction of the principles of the doctrine of the intent accomplices, Tsinghua Law (CLSCI) No. 3 of 2014. (The National People's Congress Copies of Newspaper materials and criminal law, issue 9 of 2014, reproduced in full)
4. The Relationship Between the Offender and the Principal, Law (CLSCI) No. 6 of 2016. (The National People's Congress Copying Newspaper Materials, Legal Digest, Part 4 of 2016)
5. Criticism and Deconstruction of the Concept of Practice, Global Law Review (CLSCI) No. 4 of 2018. (The 11th issue of the National People's Congress Copying Press materials and Criminal Law 2018 is reproduced in full)
6. Promotion of Minimum Subordinate Attributes: Focusing on the Use of Legal Acts, Legal Science (CLSCI) No. 6 of 2015. (The National People's Congress Copies of Newspaper materials and criminal law, issue 3, 2016, reproduced in full)
7. "Reconstructing the Doctrine of Legal Doctrine of Criminal Characterization with Intentional Laudable Tools", Legal Review (CLSCI) No. 3 of 2015.
8. "After-the-fact robbery accomplices identify the new solution - from formal theoretical opposition to substantive judgment criteria", "Politics and Law" (CLSCI) No. 3 of 2014.
9. The Philosophical Roots of Behavior and Results of Valueless Ness are the Original Source, Politics and Law (CLSCI) No. 1 of 2015.
10. Reinterpretation of the elements of "using the convenience of position" in the crime of occupation of office - a single theory of legal benefits and the means of usurpation as a stand, Political and Legal (CLSCI) No. 7 of 2016.
11. Reinterpretation of the Provisions on "Organizing, Forcing, Inducing Young Girls for Prostitution", Journal of East China University of Political Science and Law (CSSCI) No. 1 of 2016.
12. Broad or Narrow: Redefining the Concept of Identity in Identity Offenders, Series 3 of 2017, NPC Legal Review (CSSCI Source Collection). (The 12th issue of the National People's Congress Copying Press materials and Criminal Law 2018 is reproduced in full) 13. Criminal Law Analysis of Robbery with Murder - An Interpretation of the Criminal Law Amendment (VIII), Legal Science (CLSCI) No. 4 of 2011.
14. On Some Issues in the Crime of Forced Trading, Politics and Law (CSSCI) No. 8 of 2011.
Honors and Rewards:
First, scientific research
1. The 3rd Prize of the 6th Dong Biwu Youth Law Achievement Award (The Reconstruction and Application of Complicity and Identity Theory) (2018)
2. First Prize of the 24th Shandong Provincial Award for Outstanding Achievement in Law (Reconstruction and Application of Complicity and Identity Theory) (2018)
3. The 3rd Prize of shandong Province's 30th Social Science Excellence Award (Re-construction of the Principles of The Doctrine of The Intent Accomplices) (2016)
4. The 3rd Award for Outstanding Achievements in Social Science in Shandong Province (Correct relationship between The Offender and the Main Offender) (2018)
5. Second Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Humanities and Social Sciences in Shandong Province (Advocacy of Minimum from Attributes: Focusing on the Use of Legal Behavior) (2016)
6. First Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences, Shandong University (Reflection and Criticism of the Theory of Obligation Offenders) (2017)
Second, teaching
Outstanding Teacher of Classroom Teaching Quality, Shandong University in 2015