美国爱荷华大学职业法律博士(Juris Doctor)
美国哥伦比亚大学心理学文学硕士(Master of Education in Psychological Counseling)和心理咨询学教育学硕士(Master of Arts in Counseling and Education)
美国明尼苏达大学心理学文学学士(辅修亚洲语言与文学)(Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Minor in Asian Languages and Literatures)
美国爱荷华大学员工法律咨询中心(University of Iowa Student Legal Services)实习律师,爱荷华大学suncitygroup太阳集团图书馆研究助理(Law Library Research Assistant),美国纽约州Law Firm of Dayrel Sewell实习律师,美国西雅图市法院(Seattle Municipal Court)案件管理助理(Case Management Assistant)等。
Shuwen Xu, To Waive or Not to Waive: The Debate and Analysis of TRIPS Waiver, 18 ASIAN J. OF WTO & INT’L HEALTH L. AND POLICY 423 (2023). Available at SSRN:https://ssrn.com/abstract=4589732. (SSCI,独立作者).
联合组织者(Co-organizer),suncitygroup太阳集团“国际知识产权:制度变迁与范式转换”国际研讨会(International Intellectual Property Conference, Law School of Shandong University),August 19-20, 2023.
会议报告/研讨会(Presentation), “De-Pathologizing Women and Youth in Poverty: Counseling in the Context of Public Systems and Services” workshop,报告于35th Annual Winter Roundtable, Teachers College, Columbia University,February 23-24, 2018.
毕业论文“Effects of the Model Minority Stereotype on Asian Americans”被提名为2016年明尼苏达大学本科心理学专业最佳毕业论文(Sharon Borine Award for senior project),并报告于College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, May 2016.