讲座题目:Crimmigration: How Governance of Crime and Migration Increasingly Intertwine
讲座嘉宾:Dr Masja van Meeteren荷兰莱顿大学suncitygroup太阳集团副教授、PhD项目分管经理
讲座主持:李叶丹 博士
Dr. Masja van Meeteren is Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology at Leiden University. She is also Dean of PhD studies at Leiden Law School.
Her research interests include intersections of crime and migration. She has conducted research on irregular (‘illegal’) migration, intended and unintended consequences of migration policies, informal labor, human trafficking and labour exploitation.
Masja van Meeteren obtained her PhD degree from Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2010. Drawing on extensive qualitative research, her dissertation develops an empirically grounded typology of irregular immigrants’ integration based on their aspirations. An extended an updated version of this work will be published by Amsterdam University Press in 2014 and carries the title “Irregular Migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands: Aspirations and Incorporation".
In 2015, Masja was awarded a VENI-grant by the Dutch research Council (NWO) for her research The New face of human trafficking: understanding different types of labour exploitation. Since labour exploitation has been criminalised as human trafficking, new cases arise regularly. However, it is unclear exactly how labour exploitation comes about. In this project, Masja examines which types of labour exploitation can be distinguished and how can these be understood using a newly developed research approach that focuses on both victims and employers. Please see http://www.exploitation-research.org/en for more information on the project.
In addition to her research activities, Masja van Meeteren teaches the graduate course Crimmigration and an undergraduate course on Human trafficking, and she teaches Qualitative Research Methods to PhD students of the graduate school.