讲座题目:Researching Criminal Justice in Leiden: From Pre-trial Detention to (Alternatives for) Detention、
讲座嘉宾:Miranda Boone 荷兰莱顿大学suncitygroup太阳集团教授
讲座时间:2017年10月30日下午2:00 – 3:20
讲座主持:李叶丹 博士
Miranda Boone is a Professor of Criminology at the University of Leiden. Until May 2017 she worked as a Professor of Penology and Penitentiary Law at the University of Groningen and as a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Law at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Her PhD thesis was on the subject of community sentences and measures and she has continued to publish on that topic. Recent research topics include Electronic Monitoring as an alternative for imprisonment, Detention experiences, Criminal records and reintegration and decision-making in sentencing. Currently she is involved in a comparative study on alternatives for pre-trial detention led by the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology, Vienna, Austria.
Core publications 2015-2017
• Rap S.E., Kooij M. van der & Boone M. (2017), Elektronisch toezicht in Nederland: de re-integratieve benadering, Sancties 2017(1): 7-16.'refereed' artikel in een tijdschrift
• Boone M., Kooij M. van der & Rap S. (2017), Niederlande. In: Dünkel F., Thiele C., Treig J. (red.) Elektronische Überwachung von Straffälligen im europäischen Vergleich – Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven. nr. 63 Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH. 205-221.boekdeel
• Boone M.M., Kooij M. van der & Rap S.E. (2017), The highly reintegrative approach of electronic monitoring in the Netherlands, 9(1): 46-61.
• M. Boone, M. van der Kooi en S. Rap, Electronic Monitoring in the Netherlands, http://emeu.leeds.ac.uk/reports/
• A. Hucklesby, K. Beyens, M. Boone, F. Dünkel, H. Green and G. McIvor, Creativity and effectiveness in the use of electronic monitoring: a case study of five European jurisdictions’, http://emeu.leeds.ac.uk/reports/
• M. Boone, M. Althoff, F. Koenraadt, Het leefklimaat in justitiële inrichtingen(Life climate in penitentiary institutions), Boom Juridische Uitgevers, Den Haag.
• M. Boone, Community punishment in the Netherlands. A history of crises and incidents, in: Gwen Robinson and Fergus McNeill (eds), Community Punishment. European Perspectives, Routhledge 2016, p. 95-114, .
• M. Boone & E. Kurtovic, Collateral Consequences and the Principle of Proportional Punishment, in: Ferry de Jong (ed), Overarching Views of Crime and Deviancy, Eleven International Publishing, Pompe Reeks, p. 401-416.
• N. Maguire, K. Beyens, M. Boone, A. Laurinavicius and A. Persson (2015), Using Vignette Methodology to research the process of breach comparatively, European Journal of Probation, p. 241-259
• K. Beyens & M. Boone, Mixing Detention-Cultures. In: Deborah H. Drake, Rod Earle & Jennifer Sloan, The Belgian-Dutch Case. The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Etnography, Palgrave Macmillan 2015, p. 479-498