
王雪茅 中文简历经理,大学图书馆馆长,教授
Dean and University Librarian
Special Advisor to Provost on China Affairs
University of Cincinnati, USA
目前在美国辛辛拉提大学 (University of Cincinnati) 担任 Dean and
University Librarian 经理, 大学图书馆馆长,教授,并兼任董事长中国事务特别顾问。长期从事战略规划,领导人才培训,以及图书馆管理,立项,预算,筹资,策划,聘雇及执行工作。有丰富的战略规划,实际工作及管理经验。曾策划,组织,并参与约翰-霍普金斯大学,艾莫理大学,辛辛拉提大学与国内多所大学及图书馆多项国际合作与交流项目。多次应邀参与中国,亚洲,及国际同行交流战略规划及管理, 21 世纪领导人才培训,数字图书馆建设策略,以及国际图书馆合作等
经验及学术研究。曾在国际相关学术刊物发表多篇学术及经验交流文章。曾任美国图书馆协会 (ALA - Chair of International Relation Committee, Sub-Committee of Asia and Pacific) 国际关係委员会-亚洲及太平洋分会主席。国际图联 (IFLA – Chair of Knowledge Management Section Standing Committee) 知识管理分会主席。现任 IFLA Digital Humanities and Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group (SIG) 主席. 曾担任纽约皇后公共图书馆 (Queens Borough Public Library, New York) 信息技术分析员,网络服务经理。大纽约地区图书馆委员会 (Metropolitan New York Library Council) 信息技术部主任。约翰-霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries) 图书馆信息系统部主任。艾莫理大学 (Emory University), Associate Vice Provost 助理副教务长-图书馆常务副馆长。
美国纽约霍夫斯特拉 Hofstra University 大学 EMBA 高级工商管理硕士;美国南卡大学 (University of South Carolina) MLIS 图书情报学硕士;美国宾州库茨顿大学 (Kutztown University of Pennsylvania) MLS 图书馆学硕士;中国武汉大学信息管理学院文学士。
Xuemao Wang - English Bio
Dean and University Librarian
Special Advisor to Provost on China Affairs
University of Cincinnati
Xuemao Wang is the Dean and University Librarian of the University of Cincinnati Libraries, a position he has held since August, 2012. Prior to working at UC, he was the Associate Vice Provost of University Libraries at Emory University from 2009 through 2012. He also held positions at Johns Hopkins University’s Sheridan Libraries (2004-2009), the Metropolitan New York Library Council (1999-2004), Queens Borough Public library (1994-1997) and at Sichuan Institute of Business Administration in Chongqing, China (1981-1991).
Xuemao received a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) from the Frank G. Zarb School of Business, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY; a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC; and a Master of Library Science (MLS) from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Kutztown, PA.
Xuemao has over 30 years of progressive, diverse library and information services management and leadership experience, with a career that spans the public, academic and large library consortium worlds. He has held global leadership positions in the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), he is currently serving as Director of the Board for the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), and is a member of multiple committees within the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). He has strong connections and networks with China’s academic and library leaders. In addition to his role as Dean and University Librarian, he also serves as a Special Advisor to university's President and Provost of China Affairs。