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Two students needed for IHL Moot Court Competition
作者:suncitygroup太阳集团        发布时间:2011-09-13        阅读量:

The Fifth Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition will be held on 26-27 November 2011 in Law School of Renmin University. Our Law School will send a delegation team to this competition. Each team will be composed of two students and one coach. Thus two students, whatever undergraduate or graduate except for doctorate candidate, are needed for this competition.

If you are interested and intended to join our team, please look into the information viahttp://www.icrc.org/Web/chi/sitechi0.nsf/htmlall/chi-only-5th-moot-court-registration-2011-07-25which contains rules of competition and moot problem to be argued in the competition.

And you are required to write a draft memorial for application before September 20.

All applications will be evaluated according to written & spoken English, knowledge of international law, reasoning and on the basis of fairness and diligence.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Prof. Chi deqiang by e-mail:chideqiang@sdu.edu.cn.

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