江照信 副教授

1. 8.2018-5.2021, 法学博士(JSD) (比较宪法专业),威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校
2. 9.2017-6.2018, 法学硕士(JSM),斯坦福大学
3. 9/2005-8/2008: 史学博士 (PH.D)(中国法律史专业),香港中文大学
4. 9/2003-1/2005: 史学硕士(M.A.),斯坦福大学
5. 9/1999-7/2002: 法学硕士(M.A.),(法理学专业)北京大学(优秀毕业生)
6. 9/1993-7/1997: 法学学士(B.A.),烟台大学
2. 2020.6至今,香港中文大学香港亚太研究所中国法制研究计划名誉研究员
3. 2021.1至今,suncitygroup太阳集团港澳台法律研究中心联系主任
4. 2014年至今,中国法律与历史国际协会会员
5. 2012.8-2014.8,康奈尔大学suncitygroup太阳集团(Cornell Law School)博士后研究
1. 布鲁斯·阿克曼:《建国之父的失败: 杰斐逊、马歇尔与总统制民主的兴起》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2013、2017年。
2. 万安黎:《担保论:全球金融市场中的法律推理》(导论、结论章),北京:中国民主法制出版社,2013年。
China’s Constitutional Court (1948-1971): A Contextual Analysis Based on the Diaries.(即将修订出版成书)
1.“China’s Constitutional Court and Greater China’s Constitutional Legacy: A Holistic View on the Council of Grand Justices (1948-2007),” in Bui, Hargreaves, and Mitchell (eds.),Handbook of Constitutional Law in Greater China,Routledge,forthcoming.
2. “TheMaking of theRepublic of China's 1946Constitution”, in Malagodi and Bui (eds.),Asian Comparative Constitutional Law (Volume 1) — Constitution Making, Hart Publishing,Forthcoming.
3. “The Untold Leader of Judicial Review: China’s Constitutional Court (1948-1971) and the Innovative Constitutionalism,”International Journal of Constitutional Law,Forthcoming.
4. “Cold War Constitutionalism: Making the First Post-WWII Constitutional Court and the State-Centered Liberalism,” waiting for publication decision.
5. 《由沈家本到谢冠生:七十年变法(1901-1971)与以人物为中心的法律史》,《法制史研究》(台北),即将出版。
10.《法律民族化运动:关于民国司法改革的一个整体观点(1912-1949)》, 《师大法学》,第5辑2020年。
11. “Consequential Court and Judicial Leadership: The Unwritten Republican Judicial Tradition in China”, in Yun Zhao, Michael Ng(eds.),Chinese Legal Reform and the Global Legal Order: Adoption and Adaptation, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
5.“The Lost Soul Mates: On the First Judge’s Strike in China”(英文), 康奈尔大学suncitygroup太阳集团,2013年11月。
“The Lost Chinese Republicanism(1912-1971): History of China’s Constitutional Court” (《忘却的民国法律史:中国宪法法院》, 发表于第三届中国法律与历史国际学术研讨会,台北大学,2019年5月。
“Daily Perspective: History of a Court in the Chinese Diaries”presented on Stanford Program in Law and Society 5th Conference for Junior Researchers, Stanford Law School, May, 2018 (《民国司法院:蒋介石日记中的法律史》,发表于第五届斯坦福大学法律与社会第五届青年学者论坛,2018年5月。)
“Consequential Court and its Leadership: The Unwritten Republican Judicial Tradition in China”,Beyond Convergence and Divergence – Chinese Legal Reform and Global Legal Order(《尚未书写的中华民国司法传统》,发表于《超越融合与分野:中国法律改革与全球法律秩序》国际研讨会,香港大学,2015.
“A Magistrate Impeached: An Interpretation of Legal Change”, 《明清中国的法律与社会》国际研讨会(南京),2011年12月。
Jiang, Zhaoxin
Associate Professor
JSD; Ph.D.
Education Backgrounds
1. 8/2018-5/2021,JSD, University of Wisconsin Law School
2. 9/2017-6.2018,JSM,Stanford Law School
3. 9/2005-8/2008.Ph.D.in History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
4. 9/2003-1/2005.M.A.in History, Stanford University
5. 9/1999-7/2002.M.A.in Law, Graduation with Excellence,Beijing University
6. 9/1993-7/1997.B.A.in Law, Yantai University
Research Interest
Comparative Constitutional Law, Hong Kong Basic Law, Taiwan’s Constitutional Development,
Chinese Legal History, Law and Society, Administrative Law,Family Law.
Working Experiences
1.1/2021 up to now,Honorary ResearchFellowin the Chinese Law Program of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2. 11/2008 up to now,Associate Professorin Law School, Shandong University.
3.12/2020 up to now,Co-Director,Center of Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan Law Studies, Shandong University
4. 8/2012 -8/2014,Postdoctoral Associatein the Clarke Program in East Asian Law and Culture at Cornell LawSchool; TheFirst Chinese Translator for the Think Tank “Meridian 180”
5.2014 up to now, Member of the International Society for Chinese Law and History.
Courses Taught
English Course for international Ph.D. Students:Introduction to China’s Law and Legal System;For M.A. students,Chinese Law and Society. For B.A. Students, Introduction to China Studies, Foreign Legal Classics.
Chinese Courses for M.A. and B.A. Students:Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Chinese Legal History, Family Law, International Criminal Law, Comparative Criminal Law, Legal Methodologies, Introduction to Common Law, Introduction to Foreign Judicial Systems, Legal English.
1.China Law “Can’t See China”: A Study on Ju Zheng’s Judicial Era (1932-1948), Beijing: Qinghua University Press, 2010.
2.Judicial Nationalism in the Republic of China (1912-1948), Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, forthcoming.
3. Hong Kong National Security Law in a Wider Constitutional Order: A Comparative Study of the U.S. National Security Law, a book project in progress.
Lectures on Modern Chinese Legal History(co-author), Beijing: Jiuzhou Publishing House, 2016.
Edited Book:
Collected Legal Writings by Xie Guansheng,Beijing:Qinghua University Press, forthcoming.
Translation Books (English to Chinese):
1. Bruce Ackerman.The Failure of the Founding Fathers. Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2013; 2017.
2. Annelise Riles.Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets(Introduction and Conclusion Chapters).Beijing: China Democracy and Legal Press, 2013.
SJD Dissertation
China’s Constitutional Court (1948-1971): A Contextual Analysis Based on the Diaries. (Under revision process for book publication.)
Articles and Book Chapters:
1.“China’s Constitutional Court and Greater China’s Constitutional Legacy: A Holistic View on the Council of Grand Justices (1948-2007),” in Bui, Hargreaves, and Mitchell (eds.),Handbook of Constitutional Law in Greater China,Routledge,forthcoming.
2. “TheMaking of theRepublic of China's 1946Constitution”, in Malagodi and Bui (eds.),Asian Comparative Constitutional Law (Volume 1) — Constitution Making, Hart Publishing, Forthcoming.
3. “The Untold Leader of Judicial Review: China’s Constitutional Court (1948-1971) and the Innovative Constitutionalism,”International Journal of Constitutional Law,Forthcoming.
4.“Cold War Constitutionalism: Making the First Post-WWII Constitutional Court and the State-Centered Liberalism,” waiting for publication decision.
5. “Legal History for Seven Decades (1901-1971): A Study Centered on the Judicial Leaders,” inLegal History Studies (Taipei), forthcoming.
6. “National Security Common Law and the Constitutional Nationalism: An Analysis of theLai Chee-YingCase,”Bauhinia Tribune(Hong Kong), No.56, March/April 2021.
7. “The Chinese Citizen’s Constitutional Obligation: The Constitutionality of Anti-Secession and the Constitutional Meaning of the Legislative DQ Case,” Bauhinia Magazine (Hong Kong), 2020 .Available at:http://api.zjviewpoint.com/share/poetryReview_Details.html?id=5746.
8. “On the First Case under the Hong Kong National Security Act: Impacts of the Habeas Corps Writ Decision to the Development of Hong Kong Basic Law,” Bauhinia Tribune (Hong Kong),11/12,2020.
9. “Double Government and the National Security State: AHolistic Perspective on American National Security Law,”Bauhinia Magazine (Hong Kong), 2020 . Available at:http://api.zjviewpoint.com/share/poetryReview_Details.html?id=4199.
10. “The Legal Nationalism Movement: An Overview of Judicial Reforms During the ROC Era(1912-1949),”Normal University Law Review,Vol. 5, 2020
11.“Consequential Court and Judicial Leadership: The Unwritten Republican Judicial Tradition in China”, in Ng. & Zhao(eds.),Chinese Legal Reform and the Global Legal Order: Adoption and Adaptation, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
12. “Judicial Nationalism(1922-1931): On the Chinese Judges’ Role in the National Politics”,Qinghua Law Journal, 2017.
13. “Judicial Nationalism Movement in Modern China: A Theoretical Perspective”, inFudan Law Review,Vol.3, 2016.
14. “The Lost Soul Mates: On the First Judges’ Strike in China”, inPKU Law Review, No.1, Vol 15, 2014.
15. “There was no Judges against Shen Jiaben in the Republic of China”, inLegal History Studies (Taipei),Vol 24, 2013.
16. “Political Control over the Courts and Its Impacts in ROC (1926-1948)”, in Lin Duan at al. (eds.)Justice, Politics and Society in China Mainland: An Empirical Study, Taipei: Hanlu Book & Publishing, 2013.
17. “Wang Jibao and HisMinguo Sifazhi”,inLegal History Studies (Taipei), Vol. 21, 2012.
18. “Xinhai Revolution and Republican Legal Reform”, inMing-Qing Luncong, Vol. 11, 2011.
19. “To Put Law into Historical Perspectives: Law Cases and the Epistemology in Legal Studies”, inLegal Methodology, Vol.8, 2009.
20. “Ju Zheng and Legal Reformations in 1930s”, inLegal History Studies (Taipei), Vol.14, 2008.
Public Talks
1.“Judicial Nationalism: On the Judges’ Political Involvements in ROC”, at School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Soochow University (Taipei), March 2016.
2. “The Lost Soul Mates: On the First Judges’ Strike in China”, in the East Asian Law and Culture Colloquium, Cornell Law School, November 2013. (Elected by the JD students as the BEST colloquium talk of the year).
3.“A Pattern for a Larger Judicial Yuan”, at the Law Center of Academia Sinica at Taipei, July 2012.
4.“A Judicial History without Grand Justices”, at Law School of Soochow University (Taipei), June 2012.
Conference English Presentations
1. “The Lost Chinese Republicanism: History of China’s Constitutional Court,” Bi-annual Conference of The International Society for Chinese Law and History, 31 May – 1 Jun 2019, National Taipei University, Taiwan.
2. “Leading the Second Wave of Judicial Review: A Socio-Historical Analysis of China’s Constitutional Court”, 2018 Midwest Law and Society Retreat, UW-Madison.
3.“Daily Perspective: History of a Court in the Chinese Diaries”, Stanford Program in Law and Society 5th Conference for Junior Researchers, Stanford Law School, May, 2018.
4. “Consequential Court and its Leadership: The Unwritten Republican Judicial Tradition in China”, presented on a ConferenceBeyond Convergence and Divergence – Chinese Legal Reform and Global Legal Order, Hong Kong University, June 1, 2015.
5.“A Magistrate Impeached: An Interpretation of Legal Change”, presented on the International Conference on Chinese Legal Change and Reform, Nanjing, Dec. 10-12, 2011.
Visiting Scholarships
1. 3/1-3/30,2016, Visiting Scholar to Soochow University Law School at Taipei.
2. 7-8/2015. Visiting Scholar to Institute of International Relations, Cheng Chi University at Taipei.
3. 8-12/2014.Visiting“Scholar at Cornell”Law School; Part-time “Meridian 180” Forum Translator.
4. 4-7/2012. Visiting Scholar to Law Institute, Academia Sinica at Taipei
Linguistic Ability:
Chinese, English, French