
美国加州大学伯克利分校suncitygroup太阳集团(Berkeley Law School )法学硕士(LL.M.)
美国加州大学伯克利分校suncitygroup太阳集团(Berkeley Law School)法学博士(J.S.D.)
美国哥伦比亚大学suncitygroup太阳集团(Columbia University Law School)博士后
德国维尔茨堡大学suncitygroup太阳集团(Würzburg University Law School)
比较刑法、国际刑法、英美法、小年法, 刑事政策
30. (English, 2018, SSCI) The abolition of the adultery law in South Korea: A critique, Asian Journal of Women's Studies (AJWS), 2018.6, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 205-223, By Jae Joon Chung & Junxia Liu, [ISSN 1225-9276] Impact 0.25
29. (Korean, 2018, KCI) Application Plan by the Internet of Things for Public Security Policy, Police Journal, Vol. 18-1(No. 53), 2018.3, 197-228, Korean National Police University [ISSN 1598-3714 ]
28. (Korean, 2018) Progress of the Amendment to the Criminal Law and Recent Issues in the People's Republic of China, 2018.7, Issue Brief on Foreign Laws, Vol. 3, 77-86, Korea Legislation Research Institute [ISSN 1976-0760]
27. (English, 2016, SSCI) The Politics of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Policies in Japan, Crime, Law and Social Change, 2016.9, Vol. 66, Issue 4, 359-374 [ ISSN 0925-4994], Impact 0,491
26. (English Book, 2016, Springer) International Hand book of Juvenile Justice–Chapter: Juvenile Justice in Japan [ISBN-13: 978-3319450889], Springer: 2nd ed. 2016 Edition by Scott H. Decker and Nerea Marteache
25. (Korean, 2016, KCI) A Comparative Study of the Mental Elements for the Formation of a Crime Between the United States of America and South Korea, Korean Association of Comparative Criminal Law
24. (Korean, 2016, KCI) Study of Major Provisions and Characteristics in the 9th Amendment to Chinese Criminal Law, The Korean Criminal Law Association
23. (Korean, 2016, KCI) The Research on the Incorporation of Dangerous Driving Into Chinese Criminal Law, Soongsil University School of Law Research Center
22. (Korean, 2016, KCI) Study of the Principle of Legality (void for vagueness) to Chinese Criminal Law, Korean Association of Comparative Criminal Law
21. [Juvenile Justice in Global Perspective], Ch. 9: Legislative Impact, Political Change and Juvenile Detention: Comparing South Korea and Japan (Thesis - English) (August 2015) New York University Press, Youth, Crime and Justice, Volume 4.
20. A study on the Improvement Policy of the Deterrent Effect in Accordance with the Trend of the Juvenile Cyber-Crime (Thesis - Korean) (March 2014) Korea National Police University Journal, Vol. 14, Issue1, pp. 53-80.
19. Research on the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (CSSCI - English) (December 2013) Peking University Law Journal, Vol. 1, Issue2, 2013: pp. 501-517.
18. Plan for Reactions against International Cyber Crime (Thesis - Korean) (June 2013) The New Trend of Criminal Law (Prosecution Office Journal) Vol. 39: pp. 110-140.
17. New Actions of the United Nations against International Crime (Thesis - Korean) (June 2013) Kangwon University Law Review, Vol. 39 (1): pp. 375-416.
16.『International Crime』(Book - Korean) (May 2013) Iamedu Publication, Seoul, Korea (ISBN: 978-89-98966-21-8): pp. 1-616.
15. Comparison Study of the Juvenile Justice Systems between South Korea and Japan (Thesis - English) (May 2013) International Juvenile Law Seminar, West South Law school (Chinese Journal): pp. 54-71.
14. Limitations and characteristics of the Physical Castration Bill (Thesis - Korean) (June 2012) Korean Association of Medical Law (KCI Journal) Vol. 20 (1): pp. 7-32.
13. A Study on the Amendment of the Special Exemption Law and Sexual Violence Crimes (Thesis - Korean) (June 2012) Korea Legislation Research Institute (KCI Journal) Vol. 42: pp. 49-76.
12. Comparative Legal Studies for the Prevention of School Violence Between South Korea and Japan (Thesis - Korean) (May 2012) Pusan University Law Review, Vol. 53 (2): pp. 79-108.
11. Lowering the Juvenile Age Requirement of the Criminal Responsibility (Thesis - Korean) (March 2012) Korean Criminal Law Association (KCI Journal) Vol. 24 (1): pp. 25-62.
10. Prevention of School Violence in the United Stated of America (Thesis - Korean) (March 2012) Seoul National University School of Law Journal Vol. 53 (1): pp. 529-570.
9. The Effect of Korus-FTA Chapter 18 (Copyright) on Criminal Justice (Thesis - Korean) (February 2012) Dong-A University School of Law Vol. 54: pp. 449-484.
8. Effort for the Clearness of Insanity Test (Thesis - Korean) (December 2011) Korean Association Comparative Criminal Law (KCI Journal) Vol. 13 (2): pp. 461-490.
7. Comparative Study Regarding the Presumption of Innocence between South Korea and the United States of America (Thesis - Korean) (April 2011) Keong-Won University School of Law Journal Vol. 4 (1): pp. 197-222.
6. Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice Related to the Characteristics of Korean Government (Thesis - Korean) (March 2011) Korea University School of Law Journal, Vol. 60: pp. 317-354.
5. Politics, Ideology & Juvenile Justice Policy in South Korea and Japan (Doctoral Dissertation - English) (May 2010) U.C. Berkeley School of Law, Doctoral dissertation (English - 250 pages).
4. American Juvenile Justice (Author: Franklin E. Zimring - Oxford University Press) (Book - English) (November 2009) Prime Books, ISBN 978-89-6025-237-0, (Translation into Korean–279 pages).
3. A plan to Expand and Reinforce the Function of Juvenile Protection & Education Institute for Preventing Juvenile Delinqueny (Book - Korean) (December 2003) Korean Institute of Criminology Journal (KIC), Co-author Professor Hae-Oug Won at In-ha University, ISBN 89-7366-505-7, pp. 1–193.
2. Reformatory Systems of Different Countries, Korean Institute of Criminology (Book - Korean) (December 2002) Korean Institute of Criminology Journal (KIC), ISBN 89-7366-426-3, pp. 1–196.
1. A Study on Juvenile Cyber-crimes in Korea (Master's Dissertation Korean) (June 2001) Master Degree Thesis, Department of Police Administration Graduate School Dongguk University, pp. 1-113.