
3.刘孔中,电信管制革新与数字网络产业规范, 2001年4月,太颖投资顾问股份有限公司。
11.刘孔中、Heinz Goddar、Christian W. Appelt、蔡季芬,欧洲专利实务指南,2013年7月,翰芦图书出版有限公司。
15.Kung-Chung Liu,Decipher IP Law and Its Conflict with Competition Law (Routledge forthcoming 2021)
2.刘孔中,论标准必要专利 FRAND 承诺、权利金计算模式及 专利法与公平法应如何因应,司法院,智慧财产诉讼制度相关论文汇编,第5辑,2017,页1-30。
1.Kung-Chung Liu, Leveling the Playing Field for Digital Network Industries in Taiwan, in Chao/San/Lo/Ho, International and Comparative Competition Law and Policies, 2001, Kluwer, 347-364.
2.Kung-Chung Liu, Unfair Competition, in Christopher Heath (ed.), Intellectual Property Law in Taiwan, Kluwer Law International, 2003, 205-231.
3. Kung-Chung Liu, Licensing and Antitrust, Christopher Heath (ed.), Intellectual Property Law in Taiwan, Kluwer Law International, 2003, 239-256.
4. Kung-Chung Liu, Exhaustion and Parallel Import in Taiwan, in Christopher Hearth (ed.), Parallel Import in Asia, Kluwer Law International, 2004, 39-50.
5. Kung-Chung Liu, The Collective Exercise of Copyrights, in Christopher Heath/Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Copyright Law and the Information Society in Asia, Hart Publishing, 2007, 97-107.
6. Yunstai Chou/Kung-Chung Liu, The Paradoxical Impact of Asymmetric Regulation in Taiwan’s Telecommunications Industry in Laurent Benzoni/ Patrice Geoffron(ed.), Competition and Regulation with Asymmetries in Mobile Markets, Quantifica Publishing, Paris 2007, 73-88.
7. Kung-Chung Liu,The Taiwanese "Philips" CD-R Cases: Abuses of a Monopolistic Position, Cartel and Compulsory Patent Licensing, Chapter 6 in Christopher Heath/Anselm Sanders (ed.), Landmark Intellectual Property Cases and Their Legacy, 2010/12, 83-104, Aspen Publisher.
8. Kung-Chung Liu, More Economic Approach to IPR and Competition Law – A Cross Jurisdiction Study on Patent Pools, in Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty(ed.), The Enforcement of Patents, Max Planck Asian Intellectual Property Law Series, 33-60 ( 2011/12).Aspen Publishers
9. Kung-Chung Liu/Su-Hua Lee, The Patent System in Taiwan, Peter Ganea/Stefan Luginbuehl (ed.), Patent Law In Greater China, Edward Elgar, 2014, 451-474.
10. Kung-Chung Liu, Compulsory License and Government Use in Taiwan-A Regress, in Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Compulsory Licensing─ Practical Experiences and Ways Forward, Max Planck Asian Intellectual Property Law Series, Springer, 2015, 79-93.
11.Uday S. Racherla/Kenneth G. Huang/Kung-Chung Liu, China and India as Contrast Pair in Innovation and IP in Kung-Chung Liu/Uday S. Racherla (ed.), Innovation and IPR in China and India—Myth, Realities and Opportunities, Springer 2016, 3-24.
12. Kung-Chung Liu/Chuntian Liu/Ji Huang, IPRs in China—Market-Oriented Innovation or Policy-Induced Rent-Seeking? in Kung-Chung Liu/Uday S. Racherla (ed.), Innovation and IPR in China and India—Myth, Realities and Opportunities, Springer 2016, 161-179.
13.How Could Taiwan Copyright Act Follow the Patent and Trademark Regime and Adopt International Copyright Exhaustion? in Irene Calboli and Edward Lee (eds.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Exhaustion and Parallel Imports, Edward Elgar Publ., 2016, 443-460.
14. Kung-Chung Liu/Xiuqin Lin, Trade Secrets and Restrictive Covenants in Greater China in Christopher Heath/Anselm Sanders (ed.), "Employees, Trade Secrets and Restrictive Covenants" (Wolters Kluwer 2017), 249-275.
15. Kung-Chung Liu, Asian IP Landscape and Patent Features, in Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Annotated Leading Patent Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (City University of Hong Kong Press, 2017), 1-18.
16. Kung-Chung Liu, IP Court Contradicted the TFTC’s Decision on Abuse of Monopolistic Market Power in Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Annotated Leading Patent Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (City University of Hong Kong Press, 2017), 262-272.
17. Kung-Chung Liu, Compulsory Licensing of CD-R Patents Owned by Philips in Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Annotated Leading Patent Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (City University of Hong Kong Press, 2017), 148-161.
18. Kung-Chung Liu, Taiwanese Courts Applying Dutch Law in Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Annotated Leading Patent Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (City University of Hong Kong Press, 2017), 427-438.
19. Kung-Chung Liu, Individual Licensing Models and the Role of Internet Platform Providers in Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Remuneration of Copyright Owners--Regulatory Challenges of New Business Models (Springer 2017)
20. Kung-Chung Liu, “Patent Term Extension in Taiwan” in Study on the Legal Aspects of Supplementary Protection Certificates in the EU Annex II: International Reports (Reto Hilty ed. Forthcoming)
21. Kung-Chung Liu, “Some Features of Asian Copyright Law and Cases”, in Annotated Leading Copyright Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu ed.), City University of Hong Kong Press, 2019, 2-24.
22. Kung-Chung Liu, “Independent Protection and Territoriality as Principles for Determining Applicable Law for Copyright Cases in Taiwan?” in Annotated Leading Copyright Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu ed.), City University of Hong Kong Press 2019, 494-504.
23. Kung-Chung Liu, “Royalty Setting Disputes Between Collective Management Organizations, Taiwan Intellectual Property Office and Cable TV Operators” in Annotated Leading Copyright Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu ed.), City University of Hong Kong Press 2019, 123-135.
24. Kung-Chung Liu, Transfer of Second-hand Firmware Installed in a New Clock Did Not Infringe the Copyright of the Firmware in Taiwan in Annotated Leading Copyright Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu ed.), City University of Hong Kong Press 2019, 332-342.
25. Kung-Chung Liu, The Intersection between Intellectual Property Rights and Free Trade Agreements in Kung-Chung Liu/Julien Chaisse (ed.), The Future of Asian Trade Deals and IP Law, Hart Publishing 2019, 1-7.
26. Kung-Chung Liu, The Proposal for Pre-established Damages for Copyright Infringement, in Kung-Chung Liu/Julien Chaisse (ed.), The Future of Asian Trade Deals and IP Law, Hart Publishing 2019, 257-274.
27. Kung-Chung Liu, “Some Features of Trademark Laws and Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions” in Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu ed.), Routledge 2019, 1-15.
28. Kung-Chung Liu, “Obviously Unfair Practice Yet No Trademark Use by Google’s Keyword Advertisement in Taiwan” in Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu ed.), Routledge 2019, 35-45.
29. Kung-Chung Liu, “Market Survey Seldom Accepted by Taiwanese Courts in Trademark Litigation” in Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu ed.), Routledge 2019, 94-104.
30. Kung-Chung Liu, “Taiwan IP Court Decisions Tend to Treat Likelihood of Confusion and Likelihood of Dilution as Mutually Interchangeable” in Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu ed.), Routledge 2019, 252-265.
31. Kung-Chung Liu,Principles for Determining Applicable Law for Trademark Infringement in Taiwan Applies mutatis mutandis to Cases involving Hong Kong Companies in Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu ed.), Routledge 2019, 419-428.
32. Kung-Chung Liu, As a Matter of Standard for Asia and Beyond? in Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), SEPs, SSOs and FRANDAsian and Global Perspectives on Fostering Innovation in Interconnectivity, Routledge 2019, 1-24.
33. Kung-Chung Liu, Unprepared, Unable and Unwilling to Deal with FRAND Licensing of SEPs in Taiwan? in Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), SEPs, SSOs and FRAND Asian and Global Perspectives on Fostering Innovation in Interconnectivity, Springer 2019, 173-190.
34. Kung-Chung Liu/Haoran Zhang, Propositions for Regulated Self-regulation of SSOs, in Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), SEPs, SSOs and FRANDAsian and Global Perspectives on Fostering Innovation in Interconnectivity, Routledge 2019, 379-397.
35. Kung-Chung Liu et al, On the Need of Codifying IP Laws into the Civil Code of PRC and How, in Kung-Chung Liu/Uday S. Racherla (ed.), Innovation, Economic Development and IPR in China and India—A Study of 6 Industries, Springer 2019, 25-37.
36. Jyh-An Lee/Reto Hilty/Kung-Chung Liu, Roadmap to Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property, in in Jyh-An Lee/Reto Hilty/Kung-Chung Liu (eds.), Artificial Intelligence & Intellectual Property (Oxford University Press 2021), 1-10.
37. Kung-Chung Liu & Shufeng Zheng, “Protection of and Access to Relevant Data — General Issues”, in Jyh-An Lee/Reto Hilty/Kung-Chung Liu (eds.), Artificial Intelligence & Intellectual Property (Oxford University Press 2021), 365-383.
38.Kung-Chung Liu, “IPR Protection for Asian Development: Opportunities and Challenges from GVCs and Digital Economy – Singapore”, in IPR Protection for Asian Development: Opportunities and Challenges from GVCs and Digital Economy (Lurong Chen et al ed., Routledge forthcoming 2021), 195-210.
39. Kung-Chung Liu, “Limitations and Exceptions in Copyright Law Across the Taiwan Strait” in Comparative Aspects of Limitations and Exceptions in Copyright Law (Sham Balganesh, Weeloon Loy, Haochen Sun, eds) (Cambridge University Press, 2021), 195-210.
40. Kung-Chung Liu, Limitations of Trademark Rights in Major Asian Jurisdictions in Charting Limitations on Trademark Rights (Barton Beebe and Haochen Sun ed., Oxford University Press forthcoming 2021)
41. Kung-Chung Liu, The uncertain criminal punishment for trade secret infringement In Taiwan, in Trade Secret Protection—Asia at a Crossroads (Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Kluwer forthcoming 2021)
42. Kung-Chung Liu, Criminal punishment for trade secret infringement in China, in Trade Secret Protection—Asia at a Crossroads (Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Kluwer forthcoming 2021)
43. Kung-Chung Liu, Confidentiality Preservation Order by Courts and Investigation Confidentiality Protective Order by Prosecutors in Trade Secret Protection—Asia at a Crossroads (Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Kluwer forthcoming 2021)
44. Kung-Chung Liu, A Ping-Pong between Burden of Proving Trade Secret Infringement and Specific Defense in Trade Secret Protection—Asia at a Crossroads (Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Kluwer forthcoming 2021)
45. Kung-Chung Liu, A New Direction for Calculating Damages for Trade Secret Infringement? in Trade Secret Protection—Asia at a Crossroads (Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Kluwer forthcoming 2021)
46. Kung-Chung Liu, The Shifting of Burden of Proof for Trade Secret Infringement in China, in Trade Secret Protection—Asia at a Crossroads (Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Kluwer forthcoming 2021)
刘孔中,91年12月,「论商标部分审查制度及其在我国之采行」,月旦法学杂志,90期,页 140-159。
45. 刘孔中,有线广播电视经营地区调整之法律及政策分析,科技法律透析,16卷1 期,2004年1月,页51-64。
47. 刘孔中,论联合行为规范之革新,台大法学论丛,33卷2期,2004年3月,页43-92。(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)
48. 刘孔中,联合进口在台湾公平法之实务及法理探讨,月旦民商法杂志,3期,2004年3月,页20-35。
49. 马泰成、刘孔中,小麦联合进口制度及其管理方式之探讨,公平交易季刊,12卷3期,2004年7月,页63-109。(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)
51. 刘孔中,英德两国专利落实制度之比较与借镜,全国律师,8卷10期,2004年10月,页96-106。
52. 刘孔中,新加坡电信法制之比较研究,科技法律透析,17卷1 期,2005年1月,页41-51。
53. 刘孔中,世界贸易组织与贸易有关智能财产协议权利落实规定之研究,全国律师,9卷1期,2005年1月,页37-47。
54. 刘孔中,著作权法有关技术保护措施之研究—欧盟及德国之借镜,月旦法学杂志,119期,2005年4月,页70-90。
55. 刘孔中,从法律服务业之发展论律师高考制度之改革,国家菁英季刊,1卷2期,2005年6月,页133-142。
56. 刘孔中,经济法二○○四年学界回顾,月旦法学杂志,124期,2005年9月,页92-98。
57. 刘孔中,从著作权共同管理之发展趋势检讨我国著作权共同管理团体之法制,全国律师,9卷12期,2005年12月,页4-20。
58. 刘孔中,怪哉!以巩固行政权为职志的六一三号解释,月旦法学杂志,136期,2006年9月,页28-32。
59. 刘孔中,论建立信息时代「公共领域」之重要性及具体建议,《台大法学论丛》,35卷6期,2006年11月,页1-36(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)。
60. 刘孔中,以关键设施理论限制专利强制授权范围,《公平交易季刊》,15卷1期,2007年1月,页25-58(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)。
61. 刘孔中,智慧财产权落实制度之检讨与改革,法令月刊,58卷4期,2007年4月,页92-103。
62. 刘孔中,行政院将NCC委员停职的法律问题与呈现的法治弊端,法令月刊,58卷8期,2007年8月,页47-64。
63. 刘孔中,电信零售价格调整上限制之研究,交大科法所《科技法学评论》,4卷2期,2007年10月,页199-227。
64. 刘孔中,「社会管制」?以台湾「通讯传播管理法」草案为例,《华中科技大学法律评论》(中国大陆华中科技大学suncitygroup太阳集团),第2辑第1卷,页259-280(2008年9月);《全国律师》,2008年7月,页120-138同步刊载(标题为「社会管制」?以「通讯传播管理法」草案为例)。
65. 刘孔中,CD-R案公平法及专利强制授权相关争议之解析与评释,《公平交易季刊》,第17卷第1期,2009年1月,页1-38(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)。
66. 刘孔中,尽速打破司法院定位僵局,后续司革才能启动,台湾法学,130期,2009年6月,页15-23。
67. 刘孔中、简维克,通讯传播事业间结合的利益与不利益分析,《公平交易季刊》,第17卷第4期,2009年10月,页93-139(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)。
68. 刘孔中、王红霞,中国大陆电信监管机构建制之理想与路径,经济法论丛(中国大陆中南大学suncitygroup太阳集团,本期刊属CSSCI期刊),2009年下卷,页1-21。
69. 刘孔中,通传会的定位与组织调整之检讨,法令月刊,61卷1期,2010年1月,页61-69。
70. 刘孔中,广播市场外资参进规范之检讨,台湾法学第150期,2010年4月15日,页39-55。
71. 刘孔中,批发价格管制,月旦法学杂志,第184期,2010年9月,页157-176。
72. 方修忠、刘孔中,中国大陆第三次电信重组与3G发照之法律问题探讨,法令月刊,61卷9期,2010年9月,页82-92。
73. 刘孔中、王敏铨,从各国实践及理论探讨公示著名商标案件之必要性与方法,政大法学评论,第117期,2010年10月,页269-303(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)。
74. 贺陈冉、刘孔中,检讨中小学与公立图书馆数据通讯接取普及服务,法令月刊,61卷12期,2010年12月,页100-114。
75. 刘孔中、江耀国,有线广播电视法修正草案之评析,台湾法学第171期,2011年3月1日,页1-14。
76. 刘孔中、简维克,论号码管理机制之革新,月旦法学杂志,第191期,2011年4月,页83-95。
77. 刘孔中,技术标准、关键内容与强制授权─国际比较下的本土检讨,《公平交易季刊》第19卷第3期,2011年7月,页1-32(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)。
78. 刘孔中、王红霞,台湾地区司法改革60年:司法独立的实践与挑战,《东方法学》(中国大陆) ,第22期(2011年4月),页69-77。
79. 刘孔中、谢铭洋、冯震宇,著作权判决实证研究—从智财法院成立后三年相关判决出发,月旦法学203期(2012年4月),页47-62。
80. 刘孔中,专利库—经济取向分析下之法制比较与调和,智慧财产评论第10卷第1期,2012年6月,页1-36。
81. 刘孔中,论知识产权之一般理论:有效促进公私资源交换与相互增益,洪范评论,第14辑,2012年10月,页6-29,中国:北京。
82. 刘孔中、薛景文,仿冒表征及欺罔或显失公平行为之执法检讨与展望,《公平交易季刊》第21卷第1期,2013年1月,页67-108(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)
83. 刘孔中、王红霞,论通讯传播法及其在两岸之发展与挑战,月旦民商法杂志,第39期(2013年3月)页82-102。
84. 刘孔中、王红霞,电信民营化与自由化之冲突与调和─两岸比较参鉴,《经济法论丛》(中国大陆中南大学suncitygroup太阳集团,本期刊属CSSCI期刊),第24卷上卷(2013年6月),页185-207。
85. 刘孔中、贺陈冉、薛景文,电信民营化与自由化之冲突与调和-以中华电信为例《公平交易季刊》第21卷第4期,2013年10月,页53-90 (本期刊属TSSCI期刊)。
86. 刘孔中,著作权法宏观修法原则之比较研究,智慧财产评论第11卷第2期,2013年12月,页1-56。
87. 刘孔中、谢铭洋、冯震宇,专利证据保全及知识产权人相关信息实体请求权之研究。月旦法学杂志,第226期,2014年3月,页75-105。
88. 刘孔中,司法统计的现况及其检讨,军法专刊,第60卷第1期。2014年2月,页1-11。
89. 刘孔中,国际协议与国会监督。台湾法学杂志,第244期, 2014年3月,页1-6。
90. 刘孔中,论台湾不断退步的专利强制授权及供政府使用法制,月旦民商法杂志,44期,2014年6月,页73-90。
91. 刘孔中,学者南港版著作权法典─本土关照下的前瞻性建议,台湾法学杂志,第249期,2014年6月,页33-47。
92. 刘孔中,新闻媒体多元与反垄断之法制探讨,公平交易季刊,第22卷第3期,2014年7月,页1-43。(本期刊属TSSCI期刊)
94. 刘孔中,从Google关键词广告判决探讨商标维权使用与商标侵权使用的区别,月旦法学杂志,第256期,2016年9月,页91-101。
95. 刘孔中,探讨给付著作人的合理方式,科技部人文与社会科学简讯,第17卷第4期(2016年9月),108-113。
97. 刘孔中,如何利用网络平台提供者解决著作权全球授权的问题,月旦法学杂志,第269期,2017年10月,页90-104。
98. 刘孔中、张浩然,最高人民法院知识产权法见解及其作成方式的评价与反思,知识产权2018年第5期 (总第207期),页40-51。
99. 刘孔中,论标准必要专利公平合理无歧视许可的亚洲标准,知识产权2019年第11期 (总第225期),页3-16。
100. 刘孔中,从没有准备处理、不能处理、不愿处理到如何标准必要专利FRAND许可问题,月旦法学296期,2020年1月,页191-206。(本期刊属CSSCI数据库来源期刊)
101. 刘孔中,贸易战、大数据与算法,月旦法学303期,2020年8月,页74-91。(本期刊属CSSCI数据库来源期刊)
102. 刘孔中,知识产权与司法—来自台湾的一些观察与省思,《交大法学》第4期(2020年10月),页70-85。
103. 刘孔中、郑淑凤,亚洲知识产权法–美丽新世界,清华知产评论第3期 (2020年10月),页1-15。
104. 刘孔中、张浩然,著作权侵权和商标假冒的法定赔偿金:亚洲经验对CPTPP及RCEP的启发,重庆大学法律评论,第三辑 (2020年),页200-216。
105. 刘孔中、张浩然,标准制定组织FRAND许可自我规制的竞争监管建议,(电子知识产权,2021年第5期出版中)
1.Kung-Chung Liu, "Unfair Competition Law in Taiwan", International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law, Vol. 30(1999), No.4, p.377-402.(本期刊属SSCI期刊)
2. Kung-Chung Liu, "The Protection of Well-known Marks in Taiwan: From Case Study to General Theory", The Trade Mark Reporter, vol. 90 (2000), 866-888.
3. Kung-Chung Liu/Yun-Peng Chu, Market Power in Chinese Taipei: Laws, Policies and Treatments, Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 21(2002), 129-143(本期刊属SSCI).
4. Kung-Chung Liu, Technology Transfer in Taiwan-A Legal Analysis, 36 International Lawyer (2002), 1145-1163(本期刊属SSCI).
5. Kung-Chung Liu, Of the Latest and Future Taiwanese IP Pilgrimage After Acceding Into the WTO, Tsing Hua Journal of Law and technology Policy, Vol. 2 No.3 (2005/09), 5-44.
6. Kung-Chung Liu, Interface between IP and Competition Law in Taiwan, The Journal of World Intellectual Property(本期刊属The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals), Vol. 8 No. 6 (November 2005), 735-760.
7.Yunstai Chou/Kung-Chung Liu, The Paradoxical Impact of Asymmetric Regulation in Taiwan’s Telecommunications Industry, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 30(2006/03), 171-182(本期刊属SSCI).
8. Kung-Chung Liu/Haochen Sun, A Universal Copyright Fund—A New Way to Bridge the Copyright Divide, NTU Law Review, Vol. 1 No. 2 (2006/12), 33-56(本期刊属TSSCI).
9. Kung-Chung Liu, Rationalising the Regime of Compulsory Patent Licensing by the Essential Facilities Doctrine, 39 International Review of Industrial Property and Competition Law, No. 7(2008/11,本期刊属SSCI), 757-774.
10. Kung-Chung Liu et al., The Use and Misuse of Well-Known Marks Listings, 40 International Review of Industrial Property and Competition Law,No. 6(2009/6,本期刊属SSCI), 685-697.
11.Kung-Chung Liu,A More Economic and Cross-Jurisdiction Study on Patent Pools, 7 NTU Law Review, No. 1 (2012/March), 49-90(本期刊属TSSCI).
12. Kung-Chung Liu,The Need of and Justification for a General Competition-oriented Compulsory Licensing, 43 International Review of Industrial Property and Competition Law,No. 6(2012/6,本期刊属SSCI), 679-699.
13. Kung-Chung Liu/Shufeng Zheng, Asian IP Laws—An Area of Increasing Importance, 69 Gewerblicher Rechtshutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR) International: Journal of European and International IP Law No. 3 (March 2020), 1-11.
14.Kung-Chung Liu, Arbitration By SSOs as a Preferred Solution for Solving the FRAND Licensing of SEPs? 52 International Review of Industrial Property and Competition Law,Issue 6, 673–676 (2021/6,本期刊属SSCI), Editorial.
Book Review
1. IP and FTAs—Friend or Foe? Christoph Antons/Reto Hilty (ed.), Intellectual Property and Free Trade Agreements in the Asia Pacific Region (International Review of Industrial Property and Competition Law, Volume 47, Issue 4 (June 2016) 511-514)
1. Christopher Heath/Kung-Chung Liu (eds.), The Protection of Well-Known Marks in Asia, Kluwer International Law, 2000
2. Christopher Heath/Kung-Chung Liu (eds.), Legal Rules of Technology Transfer in Asia, Kluwer International Law, 2002
3. Christopher Heath/Kung-Chung Liu (eds.), Copyright Law and the Information Society in Asia, Hart Publishing, 2007
4. Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty(eds.), The Enforcement of Patents, Max Planck Asian Intellectual Property Law Series, Aspen Publishers 2012
5. Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Compulsory Licensing─ Practical Experiences and Ways Forward, Max Planck Asian Intellectual Property Law Series, Springer, 2015
6. Kung-Chung Liu/Uday S. Racherla (eds.), Innovation and IPR in China and India—Myth, Realities and Opportunities, Springer 2016
7. Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (eds.), Remuneration of Copyright Owners--Regulatory Challenges of New Business Models, Springer 2017
8. Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Annotated Leading Patent Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions, City University of HK Press 2017
9. Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Annotated Leading Copyright Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions, City University of HK Press 2019
10. Kung-Chung Liu/Uday S. Racherla (eds.), Innovation, Economic Development and IPR in China and India—A Study of Six Economic Sectors, Springer 2019
11. Kung-Chung Liu/Julien Chasse (eds.), The Future of Asian Trade Deals and IP Law, Hart 2019
12. Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions, Routledge 2019
13. Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (eds.), SEPs, SSOs and FRANDAsian and Global Perspectives on Fostering Innovation in Interconnectivity, Routledge 2019
14. Jyh-An Lee/Reto M. Hilty/Kung-Chung Liu/ (eds.), Artificial Intelligence & Intellectual Property, Oxford University Press (2021)
15. Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (eds.), Trade Secret Protection—Asia at a Crossroads, Kluwer (forthcoming 2021)
德国有限责任公司法,1992年 (经济部商业司)。
Kung-Chung Liu und Gerhard Schricker, Gesetz ueber fairen Handel (vom 4. Februar 1991, in Kraft getreten am 4. Februar 1992), GRUR Int. 1994 Heft 7, 602-606.
William Cornish, Moral Rights in the UK ( from William Cornish et al, Intellectual property: patents, copyright, trade marks and allied rights, 1999, 4thedition, 443-458,英国著作人格权之研究,知识产权,25期,2000年12月,页37-49。
Major media
1. Liu Kung-Chung, Importance of giving the speaker a real voice, Taipei Times, 3 July 2012
2. Liu Kung-Chung, Losing sleep over jail conditions, Taipei Times, 19 September 2013